Jobb för dig som gillar siffror

24 Jun 2024

Att läsa en löneadministratör utbildning på distans är ett utmärkt sätt att kombinera studier med andra åtaganden i livet. Du kan själv bestämma när och var du vill studera, vilket ger en flexibilitet som många uppskattar. Distansutbildning gör att du kan ta del av en kvalitativ utbildning utan att behöva flytta eller pendla. Under utbildningen [...]

Useful discovery for my business

20 Jul 2012

Surfing in the internet and looking for an invoicing program took me to invoicing software called Invoiceor ( I found it quite acceptable for everyday business needs. I was very glad to find out that I can use this software two months for free. I am in the middle of my second month and soon [...]

Using invoicing software gets more popular in the world

17 Apr 2012

Nowadays more and more companies all over the world prefer e-invoicing. They stop using postal service to send invoices, but choose up-to-date invoicing software. The leaders in sending electronic invoices are Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Estonia, Denmark and Switzerland. Every year the number of those, who use the invoicing software increases. Partly this [...]